Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's Going to be a Great Year in 2010

First of all I had my own "BFTO" that's a Unidentified Big Foot Object. I saw something and now I too am one of those.. " Hey I saw something like a Bigfoot in the Woods" .. Also like those other people I got caught with no equipment and thus, I have No photos or DNA or any other proof.. I can relate to their frustration. But I have nothing to brag about and until I figure out - what I saw. I can only say I have a hot area, and a place to study for the next year or so.. next time I will be ready..

Ok, More exciting news.. The History Channel - MonsterQuest producers, heard about our 1-877-BFT-OHIO - toll free report a bigfoot hotline. I have a open door to foward, anything that looks like it is worth the cost of a trip to send a camera and crew.. (BTW - my sighting is not on that list - unless I get something more solid) Thus far all Toll Free calls - have been pranks - or so old - it's not worth the effort to reproduce the event for a MonsterQuest show.

I found a company that makes DNA Blowgun or Tranquilizer darts. These darts take a blood and tisuse sample and fall off. You then send the entire unit to the lab - thus there is no way to contaminate the sample. Which is good for the idiot running around in the monkey suit.. He might not like the blood sample - but he will live to see another day -it's a lot better than a bullet to kill a Bigfoot. and a oops on both sides of the trigger. We are a NON kill organization. and will stay that way..

I want thank -> he built a RV that can stay in the field and do the kind of things our Bigfoot Mobile will do too.. Yes I said ours.. I have started the process of a 501C non-profit organization.. Which may be under a shorter name "BFT-Ohio" but will also be updating this Blog.. I am committed to getting a field research vehicle into the field by 2012, if not sooner.Again the link at the bottom of the page can be followed in real time Via Spot GPS's. and you can see all the different places I go.. I will NOT be reveling my "Hotspot" - as I want to do this right and not have 1,000 Bigfooters mucking up the area - Sorry Guy's - you know I tell the truth on that one.

I will say I have lots on my plate and I look forward to a great 2011 - hope to share a lot more good news as well - thanks for stopping by

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