Sunday, February 8, 2015

Our Toll Free BigFoot Report Hotline

You can be part of the Solution. Please send us your reports of Sightings. It can be 10 years old or 10 minutes ago... We want to hear from you..

Ever see something, you can't explain while walking in Ohio woods? Maybe it scared you or maybe you think it could have been a Bigfoot, a large walking up right creature. The BFT-Ohio Organization has a professional trained staff of investigators. We would love to talk to you and hear about your encounter. please call toll free BigFooT OHIO, that's 1-877-BFT-Ohio (1-877-238-6446) your call is toll free anywhere in Ohio, and someone will call you back with in 48 hours to chat or to try answer your questions. Our lines are open 24 hrs a day - call now.